We are very excited to be working closely with BuffaloVibe to make the “Take Another Look” event this Saturday, November 28th a great success! impulseGUIDE is donating our digital signage system for the event at City Hall and we can’t wait to check out the amazing view of our city from the observation deck!
TAKE ANOTHER LOOK Saturday, November 28th from 4:00-7:00pm Take Another Look at Buffalo and celebrate the resurgence.
IN THE LOBBY Light refreshments provided by local restaurants City Hall tours, networking and career opportunities Art, live music and lots of Buffalo-themed gifts
13TH FLOOR & COUNCIL CHAMBERS Then & Now video presentation with “Name that Place” contest “Your Buffalo Love Stories” on video, audio and photos Buffalo-themed crafts for kids
25TH & 28th FLOOR OBSERVATION DECKS Buffalo photography by Aspire Technology Today and BPS students Aerial tours of Buffalo and magnificent views Sweet desserts and magnificent views ADMISSION: $10 advance | $15 at the door $5 discount with a nonperishable food donation or gift for a needy child FREE for children 10 & under
Tickets are available here.
We hope to see you there!